

Important dates

Submission of abstracts
30 April 2016

Early registration fee & payment
15 July 2016

Factory Visiting – Optional Programs


Dear Guests!

We would like to invite you to take a part in a factory visiting in ContiTech Ltd. or take a part in a unique tour inside ELI-ALPS.

Date: on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 15:00

Preregistration is needed in the conference online system (under the ’optional programs’ form): online registration
Buses will start from at 14.30 and return to the Hunguest Hotel Forrás.  

  1. ContiTech Ltd.
    Rubber Industrial Ltd. ContiTech Rubber Industrial Ltd. is located in Szeged. The plant started production in 1966 and has been producing almost the same range of products ever since. It is possible to visit the modern mixing plant, industrial hose production and  the modern conveyor belt plant.
    Note: program free of charge, max. 45 participants
    ELI-ALPS, the Hungarian pillar of the Extreme Light Infrastructure, is focused upon making the shortest, most intense laser pulses at the highest repeat rate. The combination of ground-breaking light sources and subsequent outstanding secondary sources will be available for fundamental, applied and industrial research. This will place ELI-ALPS as one of the leading lights in ultrafast physical processes as well as a world-class research centre for biological, chemical, medical and materials science discoveries.
    The construction of the laser research centre in Szeged is going to be finished shortly, the primary and secondary sources will be shipped and installed afterwards.
    Note: program free of charge, max. 12 participants
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