Venue & date
4th Rubber Symposium of the Countries on the Danube will be held in Hunguest Hotel Forrás**** superior in Szeged at 24-26 October 2016.
Address: Hunguest Hotel Forrás**** superior - 6726 Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 16-24.
Language: The official language of the conference is English.
Conference registration desk is situated in the ground level of Hunguest Hotel Forrás **** superior.
Opening hours:
Monday | 12.00 – 18.00 |
Tuesday | 08.00 – 19.00 |
Wednesday | 08.00 – 14.30 |
Conference registration desk phone number
+36-20-2125664 (Beatrix Schenker) in emergency case.
Conference halls are in the Conference floor of Hunguest Hotel Forrás **** superior.
Internet access
Free WIFI access will be ensured in the conference rooms and in the exhibition area.
SSID:forrasinternet, no password
All participants are kindly asked to wear their bagdes at all times.
Uploading of the oral presentations
Authors of oral presentations are kindly requested to upload the presentation file to the PC installed in each lecture hall at least on the day before the session. In that case the presentation is in the morning session 8.00 and 8.30 AM or in the 30 minutes following the last oral presentation of that day. At least one technician will be available in the lecture halls in the above-mentioned time periods.
Poster session – on the Conference floor
Posters assigned with a code should be placed on the corresponding display boards. Posters will be on display for the entire duration of the conference. Please hang up your poster from Monday afternoon from 14.00 and take it down on Wednesday afteroon by 13.00 at the latest.
The poster display area (board) is 1.20 m high and 0.90 m wide. Glue Tack in order to fix the posters will available at the Registration Desk. The use of Scotch® is not allowed as it would damage the boards.
Coffee Breaks
Coffee, tea, beverages as well as small cakes and pastries will be provided during the coffee breaks. Sponsored by Mitsui & Co. Deutschland GmbH.
Buffet lunch will be provided for the registered conference participants in the restaurant of Hunguest Hotel Forras****. Together with the conference bag you have received two lunch tickets and please bring them yourself to the lunch.
Information for exhibitors
Installation of the exhibition area starts at 14:00 pm on 24 October 2016. Closing of the exhibition at 13:15 pm on 26 October, 2016.
Social Program
You have received invitation cards for Welcome Reception and Banquet in the conference bag, so please bring yourself it to the mentioned programs.
Guided walk through the City: Monday, 24 October 2016 at 18.00 pm from Hunguest Hotel Forrás **** superior to Reök Palace. The meeting point for the guided walk is at the entrance of the Hotel at 17.50 pm.
Welcome Reception: Monday, 24 October, 2016 from 19.00– 21.00 at Reök Palace (address: H-6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos Krt. 56). Sponsored by ContiTech Rubber Industrila Ltd.
Banquet: Tuesday, 25 October, from19.00 – 22.00 (Those participants who have indicated a special dietary requirement at the registration process, they received a special card for the banquet in the conference bag. Please do not forget to bring yourself it for the banquet to help your serve fast and easy). Sponsored by WERBA-CHEM GmbH.
Otional programs:
1. Factory visit at ContiTech Ltd. – 15.00 pm
address: 6728 Szeged, Budapesti út 10.
Rubber Industrial Ltd. is located in Szeged. The plant started production in 1966 and has been producing almost the same range of products ever since. It is possible to visit the modern mixing plant, industrial hose production and the modern conveyor belt plant. The bus starts at 14.30 from Hotel Forrás and returns after visiting.
2. Visit at Eli-Alps – 16.00 pm
address: 6728 Szeged, Pintér József utca
ELI-ALPS, the Hungarian pillar of the Extreme Light Infrastructure, is focused upon making the shortest, most intense laser pulses at the highest repeat rate. The combination of ground-breaking light sources and subsequent outstanding secondary sources will be available for fundamental, applied and industrial research. This will place ELI-ALPS as one of the leading lights in ultrafast physical processes as well as a world-class research centre for biological, chemical, medical and materials science discoveries. The construction of the laser research centre in Szeged is going to be finished shortly, the primary and secondary sources will be shipped and installed afterwards. The bus starts at 15.30 from Hotel Forrás and returns after visiting.
Local tansport in Szeged
From Szeged railway station to Hotel Forrás take tram 1 or 2 and get off at Széchenyi square. The hotel can be approached with bus Nr. 71 that starts from the main bus station Mars square. You have to get off the bus at „Napfényfürdő” bus stop, which is the first stop from Széchenyi square. Tickets can be bought in advance (at the exit, downstairs) or on the tram (although it is more expensive there), in tens (gyűjtő) it is cheaper. Taxi can take at the railway station to reach Hunguest Hotel Forrás****.
Currency, exchange, credit cards
The official currency in Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). Exchange facilities are offered to participants at the airport, in hotels, at the exchange desk of the banks at around the daily rate indicated by the Hungarian National Bank. American Express, Visa, Eurocard, Master Card are accepted in hotels, first class restaurants and city stores, but you should ask or look for the logo before ordering a service. Money can be withdrawn from ATMs. ATMs are available in the city.
Shopping hours
The usual shopping hours in Szeged are from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. and in big shopping centers in the city up to 20:00 p.m.
Electricity supply
In Hungary, electricity is supplied at 230 V, 50 Hz. The 2-pin connecting plug is different from that used in some other countries, e.g. the USA, the UK and Japan.
The Organizing Committee can not assume responsibility for injuries or losses occurring to persons or personal belongings during the conference. Participants are therefore advised to travel with a valid insurance package.
Smoking is NOT permitted inside the conference rooms or at the venues for the social functions. Smokers are required to smoke outdoors in the designated area.
In consequence of Hungary’s continental climate, from the end of September until the end of November can be considered autumn. The average temperature is 8-15 °C during the day and 3-10 °C at night. The humidity is usually high and only a few rainy days may be expected.